Learn What Are The Different Types of Content Writing Here!

 When you think of digital marketing, it’s not just one service called digital marketing, right? There are sub-services that make up digital marketing like SEO, content marketing, and social media management. The same applies to content writing. There are different types of content writing and also different types of content writing services. So, what are the different types of content writing? And can one agency offer all those services? Let’s answer both those questions chronologically.

What Are The Different Types of Content Writing?

Blog Writing

Blog writing services are one of the most common types of content writing. They involve writing educational and informative pieces on your niche and subject to inform your customers and convert them into paying customers. Most business websites have a dedicated blog page and they use it to market their products or services and to spread awareness about their business.

SEO Content Writing

SEO content writing focuses on creating SEO-centric blogs and articles that help websites rank better on search engines. SEO content writing can be done for websites, e-commerce platforms, and even social media. Often SEO content writing involves writing content that might not even be posted on the business’s website, but on third-party websites that can help improve your search engine rankings.


Copywriting revolves around improving sales for a business. It may be something as small as a tagline or writing advertisements and sales content for a business. The only goal of copywriting is to reach the target audience of businesses and convert them into paying customers. With web content, copywriting now also involves writing landing page content for different products and services of a business.


Ghostwriting is one of the most common types of content writing that you don’t often hear about because it’s called ghostwriting. It means the content is developed by an author, whose name is not published when the article is made public. The post can be and generally is posted under the name of the business or some other author.


As you can imagine, scripts are required to make audio-visual content and given the increasing popularity of visual content. Businesses today invest considerable time and money into scriptwriting that can showcase their products and services in the best way possible. 

Can One Agency Offer All Types of Content Writing Services?

Yes, an expert content writing agency can offer all these services to you in unison. They offer specialised content marketing and development services that can help you scale your business. Their teams are experts in various subjects and can offer vetted content that is valuable for your business. You can check out Content Whale for any type of content writing services in Mumbai. They are one of the premier content writing agencies in India and can help you scale your business with content.


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